Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Derived TcpClient classes used on the server side

The TcpClient class is built on top of the System.Net.Sockets.Socket class and takes care of the details of transferring data. It doesn't cover all the features of the Socket class. For example, RemoteEndPoint (used to identify a remote socket).

To access features of the Socket class not exposed by the protocol classes, you must use the underlying Socket class. TcpClient uses the Client property to identify the underlying Socket. However this property is protected. So you need to derive a class from TcpClient to access the Client property. On the other hand, TcpListener.AcceptClient returns a TcpClient object. So the derived TcpClient class can not be used on the server side directly. The following code shows you how to get around this.

public class TcpTalker : TcpClient
private RemoteEndPoint remotePoint = null;
public TcpTalker(Socket socket)
this.Client = socket;
remotePoint = this.Client.RemoteEndPoint;
// use the derived class on the server side
// tcpl is a TcpListener object
TcpTalker tlk = new TcpTalker(tcpl.AcceptSocket());


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